九州八十八ケ所番外霊場  南薩八十八ケ所霊場  イギリス七観音霊場  アメリカ文殊七観霊場  イタリア七観音霊場  カナダ如意輪七観音霊場
Kunimiyama Daikokuji

Shingon Mikkyo

Shingon Mikkyo

Mikkyo (Japanese Esoteric Buddhism), the doctrine preached by the dharmakaya of Mahavairocana, flourished in India during the VII and VIII centuries and subsequently spread to China during the Tang dynasty, before reaching Japan from China in the IX century through Kukai, whose posthumous name is Kobo-Daishi. Kukai finalized its teaching as Shingon(True Word) Mikkyo 1200 years agoin Japan. In seeking the truth of life, a large number of people has believed and believes in Mikkyo. The idea of Mikkyo differs greatly from Western philosophy: 'every person is in himself Buddha and every being (not only plants and animals, but also mountains, rivers and even stones) are in themselves Buddha'. The idea is better understood by considering the Mandala. The Mandala is a diagrammatic image representing the cosmic nature of the Buddam of the bodhisattva and other divinities. It is considered a symbol of the earth, the sun, the moon, the stars and the entire universe. People have always expressed these Buddhas of the Mandala in the shape of sculptures, paintings or Buddhist altar pieces (objects used when the faithful are praying).

Characteristics of Shingon Mikkyo teachings :

  • Worship is on Dainichi Nyorai (Mahavairocana) who is the universe itself, and is representative as the symbol of TRUTH.
  • Mikkyo translates its meanings as Secret (Mik) Teachings (Kyo). Mikkyo is a “lineage tradition” meaning that, as well as instruction in the teachings and practices of the tradition, it also involves and requires “kanjo-enablements” - initiatorial empowerment transmission from a master of Mikkyo disciplines. Because these secrets originate from the very source of this Universe, no individual can associate the truth as emanating from one particular source or person.
  • Ultimate goal of Mikkyo teachings is attainment of Buddhahood during life. It is to be achieved through physical and mind discipline, and through the resolving of our sins/poisons/curses, thus increasing our Buddha nature to be enlightened.
Mikkyo is an integrated and practical life resolution for people. Mikkyo’s spiritual principles and discipline are highly beneficial for those who desire a life change that is to be filled with compassion, wisdom, and purpose.

Introduction of Master Eimei Kawakami

Introduction of Master Eimei Kawakami

Master Eimei Kawakami has served as a Mikkyo master for 48 years. He teaches how one can connect with one’s spiritual essence through spiritual awareness and simple meditative techniques. Master believes that spiritual awareness transforms one’s spiritual nature for the better resulting in less suffering for oneself and humanity as a whole. Master also believes that each spiritually transformed person ushers in a more peaceful environment and which ultimately promotes world peace. During question and answer sessions, Master Eimei Kawakami will respond to any questions relating to spiritual matters, and is always eager to enlighten individuals on such topics as Unity, Illusion, etc. Personal issues are also discussed publicly and/or in private.

Buddhism has many schools. Mahayana Buddhism gave rise to Japanese esoteric Buddhism, or “Shingon Mikkyo” Mikkyo teaches that we all have an inherent Buddha nature, and that the attainment of Enlightenment is possible in this lifetime.

Master Eimei Kawakami Biography:

Born Nishinomiya, Hyogo in 1940. He Ordained 1964 lead by Master Teramoto at Kozanji temple, Hiroshima. Assigned Chief Priest of Komyoji temple special branch in 1964. He received ritual for the conferral of the Master status at Koyasan Entsurituji Dojo in 1965. He became Chief priest of Kunimiyama Daikokuji Temple in 1967.

Master Eimei’s Teaching

  • Contributes to the world’s peace through Shingon Mikkyo
  • Teaches how to develop a mind of Gratitude and Compassion
  • Teaches how to cultivate one’s personal Buddha nature
  • Helps people achieve Buddha hood through Mikkyo teaching(s) and discipline
Master Eimei’s Teaching

Through various sources people have been lead to believe that money brings total happiness. This false belief and some of its associated attachments, such as greed, selfishness, hate, envy, pride, and power and control over others eventually leads to a disconnect from one’s spiritual heart. Only Buddha’s compassion, love, wisdom, and gratitude can counter and expose their true origin.

As compassion, love, wisdom, and gratitude begin to unfold in the human heart, one becomes in tune with ones spiritual heart, and the need for spiritually connecting with others and the environment becomes a priority. Unfortunately, if excessive materialistic gain and other false beliefs are not exposed, our world as we know it will be environmentally tipped to a point of non-sustainability. A prediction of several dozens years of sustainability is all that is available.

Master Kawakami believes that for world peace to be achieved people from all walks of life and from every part of the world must walk hand in hand and live in peace.

Shingon Kunimiyama Daikokuji

Shingon Kunimiyama Daikokuji

Kunimiyama Daikokuji Temple is where you can visit a scaled down duplicated version of the Nansatsu eight-eight Holy Ground. Not only is one blessed with the power of the Buddha while visiting this site, but visiting this site is equivalent to visiting the entire eighty-eight grounds where Kobo-Daishi(Ku-kai) founded at Shikoku region.

From The Kunimiyama Daikokuji Temple, one can look either towards the east and see the Kaimon mountain, or towards the west and see the Shaka’ nirvana. Beautiful sunsets are common observance at both locations, and both locations are testimony to Buddha’s manifestation and presence.

At the Kunimiyama Daikokuji Temple, prayers for the blessing of homes, vehicles, academic progress, and business ventures are performed. On a more personal level, prayers for newly born babies are performed, healing of diseases. Lastly, Zen monastery, consultations, and memorial services are also performed at this temple.

The regional three largest Buddha’s, Dainichi Kannon, Hakuryu Kannnon, and Kobo-Daishi are located within the area, as well as hundreds of other Buddhas. Individuals are often ministered to at these various Buddhist sites for their physical, emotional, and spiritual issues.

We encourage all to come and visit regardless of one’s religious belief.



【高野山真言宗 国見山大国寺】 鹿児島県枕崎市瀬戸町570 TEL0993-76-2482 FAX0993-72-1375